Integrity / Final Disciplinary Action Decisions

A Disciplinary Action Guide is a simple overview of the Commission's disciplinary action process. It includes information on the Commission's regulatory powers, the process that is followed for prohibited substance and conduct matters, information on interim disciplinary action, the Commission's decision-makers and the appeal process.

The Compliance and Enforcement Explanatory Guide provides a comprehensive explanation of how the Commission goes about its regulatory role, including its approach to taking disciplinary action against non-compliance by greyhound racing industry participants.

The Commission has also developed Penalty Guidelines to provide advice to participants about the possible penalties that may be imposed after an offence is proven.

Participants are reminded that anyone dealing with or associating with a disqualified person may be in breach of the Racing Rules and subject to disciplinary action.

A full list of final disciplinary decisions can be found below.

From 1 May 2022, an updated version of the Greyhound Racing Rule came into effect and the numbering of rules has changed. For example, rules relating to prohibited substances are R141 and R142. A rule number index that compares the previous rule numbering to the current rules can be found here.

Name Rule Description Penalty Start date Link to decision
Azzopardi, Amanda Rule 21(1)(c), Rule 21(2), Local Rule 55(1)(b), Local Rule 55(1)(c), Rule 156(f), Rule 151(1), Rule 156(h) Failure to maintain clean and sanitary kennels; failure to prevent undue pain and suffering of a greyhound; undertook breeding activities whilst not registered as a breeder by the Controlling Body; for allowing two greyhounds not registered for breeding to mate with one another; failed to keep and maintain appropriate written treatment records; failed to comply with a lawful order issued by a member of the Controlling Body. Charge 1: To suspend Ms Azzopardi for 4 months;
Charge 2: To disqualify Ms Azzopardi for 12 months;
Charge 3: To suspend Ms Azzopardi for -3 months;
Charge 4: To suspend Ms Azzopardi for 6 weeks;
Charge 5: To suspend Ms Azzopardi for 4 months;
Charge 6: To issue a fine in the total sum of $200.00;
Charge 9: To suspend Ms Azzopardi for 6 months,
with the penalties imposed for Charges 1-5 and 9 to be served concurrently; with the net effect being a 12-month period of disqualification from the industry; with the time served by Ms Azzopardi under interim suspension to be taken into account, from 22 July 2022; and with the period of disqualification to expire at midnight on 21 July 2023.
05/12/2022 View
Masri, Sam Rule 159(1)(b); Rule 164(a) Possession live animals reasonably likely to be or capable of being, used as a bait, quarry or lure. Life time disqualification and 2 year disqualification, served concurrently 30/11/2022 View
Kraeft, Wolfgang 165(a) For allowing an un-registered person to handle his greyhound at a race meeting on 21 November 2022, at Nowra. Suspension: 2 months 29/11/2022 View
Williams, Penny Code of Practice, Standards 3.6, 5.11, 5.12, Rule 21(1)(c), Rule 21(1)(d), Greyhound Racing Regulation 2019 – Clause 10(1)(e) Unsatisfactory kennel conditions, failure to provide veterinary treatment and failure to notify the Commission that a greyhound had been euthanased. Fine: $1450
Suspension: 2 months
Disqualification: 6 months (commencing 1 Dec 2022)
24/11/2022 View
Bilal, Chloe 83(2)(a) Detection prohibited substance
Greyhound: Flighty Fernando
Substance: Lignocaine, norlignocaine and 3-hydroxlignocaine
Meeting: 23 April 2022, Nowra
Suspension: 18 weeks* 16/11/2022 View
Saloum, Nicholas 141(1)(a) Detection prohibited substance
Greyhound: On The Blink
Substance: Strychnine
Meeting: 19 July 2022, Bulli
Suspension: 2 months 15/11/2022 View
Hampson, Denis Rule 141(1)(a) Detection prohibited substance
Greyhound: Heslea
Substance: Tetrahydrozoline
Meeting: 4 August 2022, Gunnedah
Fine: $1000 ($250 partially suspended)*

*Subject to internal review
14/11/2022 View
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