
Caring for Brood Bitches

A brood bitch needs to be checked thoroughly each day after whelping, inspecting and feeling each of her teats to check for heat, lumps or soreness. All bitches producing milk are at risk of developing ‘mastitis’ which is a bacterial infection in the teat itself. The affected teat becomes inflamed and hard, and often feels hotter than the other teats. Mastitis can occur suddenly and can be very serious.

The milk from the infected teat is discoloured and thick, and the bitch may go off her food, have a fever and appear lethargic. If any symptoms appear a vet should be contacted immediately.

The bitch should be eating as much good quality food as she can and drinking plenty of fluids. If she goes off her feed, that is immediate cause for concern.

The food and water bowls should be placed outside the whelping box, so they are easy for the bitch to access. Never place a water bowl inside the whelping box as puppies have been known to drown in them. Take the bitch outside on a lead so she can go to the toilet as she might not want to leave her pups.

After whelping is an idea time to supplement a brood bitch’s calcium. The liquid form (calcium syrup) is the best way to do this as the bitch is able to absorb more of the calcium from the syrup than from powder. The powder can also make her food ‘gritty’ and she may not eat as well as she needs to.

Mothers can be very protective of their pups so ensure the space is quiet and any human interaction is soft and gentle so as not to overwhelm her.