Code of Practice

Exercise, Socialisation and Enrichment

BJECTIVE: To ensure that every greyhound is provided with adequate exercise, socialisation and enrichment to provide for its wellbeing.

7.1 All greyhounds, including puppies from the age of 3 weeks, must be provided with daily exposure to humans through gentle handling. R.

7.2 All puppies and greyhounds older than 8 weeks of age must be provided with regular contact with, and exposure to, other vaccinated dogs that are compatible.

7.3 Participants must provide greyhounds in their care with opportunities for expression of normal canine behaviours, to prevent stress and anxiety. If a greyhound shows signs of stress or anxiety which do not resolve quickly, or exhibits stereotypic behaviours, participants must seek veterinary treatment. R.

Puppies aged 0–8 weeks

7.4 Each day, puppies aged 0–8 weeks must be provided with:

  1. access to normal puppy activity and play with its mother and littermates;
  2. exposed to a variety of surfaces; and,
  3. a variety of toys. Puppies aged 8–16 weeks

7.5 Puppies aged 8–16 weeks must be provided with: a) a minimum of one hour per day to run or play within a secure area outside of the greyhound housing area, and b) access to toys for interactive play.

7.6 During each week, puppies aged 8–16 weeks must be provided with three or more of the following:

  1. lessons in how to walk on a lead whilst wearing a collar;
  2. chasing games for play;
  3. training to respond to basic verbal commands;
  4. exposure to a variety of surfaces;
  5. exposure to new experiences;
  6. a variety of toys;
  7. travel in cars or trailers;
  8. exposure to different levels (such as walking up and down stairs).

7.7 Puppies aged 8–16 weeks must be housed in groups or pairs, unless directed otherwise by a veterinarian.

Greyhounds older than 16 weeks which have not yet commenced training

7.8 Greyhounds older than 16 weeks which have not yet commenced training for racing must be provided with:

  1. access to a secure area outside of the greyhound housing area for play, for a minimum of five hours each day;
  2. interactive play or obedience training each day; and,
  3. each week, two or more of the following - – reward-based training; – walking on a lead; – travel in cars or trailers; – racing-related activities (such as access to starting boxes, circular training facilities, straight tracks, lures or race-day cages).

Pregnant or lactating greyhounds

7.9 Pregnant or lactating greyhounds must be provided with:

a) access to an exercise yard or walked on a lead for at least 60 minutes each day,

b) access to toys at all times, where this is beneficial to the greyhound.

Greyhounds in training or racing

7.10 Greyhounds that are in training or racing must be provided with:

  1. at least 30 minutes of free exercise each day, in the form of either free play outside the housing area, or being walked on a lead,
  2. access to toys.

Spelling, breeding and retired greyhounds

7.11 All greyhounds which are being spelled or bred or which are retired must be provided with the following activities for a minimum of 60 minutes each day:

  1. exercise in an area outside the greyhound housing area, either through walking on a lead or access to an exercise yard;
  2. access to toys. R.

Exercise, socialisation and enrichment plan

7.12 Participants must have a written plan detailing how the Exercise, Socialisation and Enrichment standards in this Code will be met for the greyhounds in their care.

7.13 An Exercise, Socialisation and Enrichment Plan may be temporarily varied or suspended where a greyhound is undergoing veterinary treatment and requires rest or rehabilitation as part of its treatment.


7.14 Any muzzle used on a greyhound must be the correct size and properly fitted, and must not cause pain, injury or distress to the greyhound. R.

7.15 Barking muzzles must not be used. Any muzzle used on a greyhound must not restrict normal behaviour such as panting or drinking. R.

7.16 Greyhounds must not be muzzled for more than 60 minutes at a time, and for no more than two hours in a 24-hour period, unless the greyhound is:

  1. being walked in a public place; R
  2. being transported in a vehicle or trailer; R
  3. in race day or trial kennels; R
  4. acclimatising to a new environment; R
  5. subject to a dangerous dog order made under the Companion Animals Act 1998; R or
  6. under written direction by a veterinarian; or the Commission. R.

7.17 Greyhounds under the age of nine months must not be muzzled at any time, except:

  1. as part of the education process and then only whilst in the presence of the participant, R
  2. while being transported in a vehicle or trailer; R or
  3. at the written direction of a veterinarian. R.

7.18 Any veterinary direction in relation to muzzling of a greyhound that extends for longer than 6 months must be reviewed by a veterinarian within six months from the date that the direction was issued. R.

Note: Participants who keep retired greyhounds are required only to comply with those standards marked “R” in relation to those greyhounds.