Frequently asked questions / C5 Vaccination

What details must my proof of C5 vaccination include?
  • Greyhound Name (if named)
  • Greyhound Ear Brand
  • Greyhound Microchip
  • Date of vaccination
  • Vaccinated up to C5 level
  • Name and signature of vet
  • Due date of next vaccination
How do I provide proof of vaccination?

Proof of vaccination can be provided by emailing one of the following to [email protected]

  • Health Record Book – a photocopy or photo of the page in the greyhound’s Health Record Book that shows the C5 vaccination stickers. Please ensure the greyhound’s details name, microchip # and ear brand are included.


When do I need to email the  proof of vaccination by?Please email your proof of vaccination by 1 September 2023 to allow time for processing.

You can provide proof of vaccination after this date but it may not be processed by 1 October 2023.
My greyhound has been vaccinated since October 2022, do I need to get them vaccinated again?

To be vaccinated up to C5 level requires either an annual C5 vaccination, or a C3 vaccination every three years, and an annual kennel cough booster.

If your greyhound has had one of these options in the required period prior to 1 October 2023, it will be considered vaccinated up to C5 level.

Why do I need to have my greyhounds vaccinated?Vaccinations are a requirement under the Greyhound Racing Rules R25 (4). This is to protect them against contagious diseases that could affect their health.
I can’t remember if my greyhound is vaccinated, what do I do?Contact your regular vet as they will keep a record of all vaccinations including date and type of vaccination on file.
I don’t know if my greyhound gets a C5 vaccination, what do I do?Contact your regular vet as they will keep a record of all vaccinations including date and type of vaccination on file.
I have lost my vaccination certificate, what do I do?Contact your regular vet and request they print a new one for you or, download the GWIC Greyhound Vaccination Certificate for your vet to complete.
How often does a greyhound need to be vaccinated?

Under the national Greyhound Racing Rules, all greyhounds that race in NSW must be vaccinated up to C5 level which  requires either an annual C5 vaccination, or, a C3 vaccination every three years and an annual kennel cough booster.

For more information on greyhound vaccinations click here: Vaccinating Your Greyhound

Does the GWIC Greyhound Vaccination Certificate, or the certificate provided by a vet need to have the vaccine sticker/s attached?No, the vaccination certificate signed by your veterinary practitioner is all that is required.
I have a large number of greyhounds on my property. What is the most efficient way to send through vaccination records?

As we need to sight the proof of vaccination for every racing greyhound, please email proof of vaccination for each greyhound to [email protected].

You can attach multiple proof of vaccinations to one email.

When can my greyhound race again after being vaccinated?A greyhound must not compete in a race or trial for five days after being vaccinated.
What if I don’t get my greyhound vaccinated?

If proof of vaccination is not supplied to GWIC the greyhound will not be able to be nominated for a race in NSW that will take place on, or after, 1 October 2023.

I don’t know how to use email, how else can I send the certificate?

If you find email challenging, your private vet may be able to email the proof of vaccination on your behalf, or you could ask a family member or friend for assistance.

Public libraries also offer assistance with emailing and the internet.

Alternatively, you can post a copy of your proof of vaccination to GWIC at PO Box 718 Bathurst NSW 2795. We recommend you keep the original certificate for your own records.