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Reportable Diseases

In greyhound racing, a reportable disease refers to an infectious or contagious animal disease or condition identified under Rule 40, that has the potential to cause widespread illness to greyhounds and negatively impact the greyhound racing industry.

The Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission may declare an infectious or contagious animal disease or condition to be a reportable disease, including whenever there are multiple unexplained deaths or an outbreak of serious illness from greyhounds connected to the same location/premises.

Reportable diseases under the Rules

  • any disease declared to be a “notifiable disease” under relevant legislation;
  • canine adenovirus (hepatitis);
  • canine coronavirus;
  • canine distemper virus;
  • canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough);
  • canine parvovirus;
  • Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease).


Trainers who suspect a greyhound/s may be infected with a reportable disease must immediately notify the Commission and swiftly implement various recommended biosecurity measures (such as separating the infected greyhound from others, and hygiene management), and seek veterinary advice and treatment if necessary.

If the Commission suspects/confirms that a location or property is contaminated by a reportable disease, it may/will declare it an infected place. When a property is declared an infected place, no animals, vehicles, food, or other equipment is to be moved to or from the place without the authorisation of the Commission.

A property may be deemed clear of contamination when some or all the following criteria are met:

  • Specified quarantine period issued in the Infected Property/Place notification has elapsed.
  • Absence of clinical signs for an amount of time determined by the nature of the infectious agent, (established by a risk assessment on Veterinary advice).
  • A treatment or vaccination policy.