Providing leadership that ensures the highest standards of welfare and integrity
are at the heart of greyhound racing
Our Strategic Plan 2024-27 was released on 22 August 2024 and outlines how the Commission intends to deliver a trusted and respected sport.
This will be achieved by the implementation of a number of strategic priorities which focus on welfare, integrity, capability, engagement
and assurance.
We will ensure the highest animal welfare standards for the industry.
We will ensure high integrity standards are enforced and maintain the Commission as a trusted and impartial regulator.
We will strive to be an exemplary organisation and an outstanding employer.
We will foster understanding by engagement, collaboration and consultation.
We will promote trust and confidence in the Commission and the industry.
We will provide public access to reports and decisions to support our commitment to transparency and information sharing.
Download the GWIC Strategic Plan 2024-27 (PDF, 1.54 MB).
Visit our Resource Library to access previous year's Strategic Plans.