The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals NSW (RSPCA) and the Animal Welfare League NSW (AWL) are the primary advisory bodies for animal welfare in NSW. They also have compliance and enforcement functions. NSW Police can investigate crimes against animals. The Office of Local Government administers and enforces legislation relating to companion animals in NSW. The Department of Primary Industries promotes the welfare of production animals, and animals used in research and exhibitions.
All organisations are important animal welfare partners for the Commission. As the Commission is responsible for investigating and prosecuting greyhound related offences in NSW, the Commission will work closely with other animal welfare regulators and NSW Police to ensure complaints are investigated and wrongdoers held to account.
The relationship between the Commission and other animal welfare advocates and regulators is an important one and information sharing will be a vital component of this relationship. Regular meetings between the Commission and these bodies promotes information sharing, particularly in relation to intelligence and investigations. The Commission is committed to working closely with other animal welfare regulators to ensure the welfare of greyhounds remains paramount.