Appeals to Racing Appeals Tribunal / Appeal decisions

Please see below Appeals Decisions that have been made by the Racing Appeals Tribunal (RAT). All decisions made by the RAT are in accordance with the Racing Appeals Tribunal Act 1983 and the Racing Appeals Tribunal Regulation 2015.

For the details of any appeals relating to decisions made by Greyhound Racing NSW  before 1 July 2018 or finalised by Greyhound Racing NSW after 1 July 2018, please visit the following websites:

Name Detail Decision date Outcome Link to decision
Johannes Vanderburg GRNSW decision on 10 August 2020 to disqualify Mr Johannes (Hank) Vanderburg for 12 months for a breach of Rule 79A(4). 25/11/2020 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Kellie Fogarty GWIC decision on 21 August 2020, in which the greyhound ‘La Grand Quality’ was automatically disqualified from an Event under Rule 83(4) of the Rules following the finding of a breach of Rule 83(2)(a). 12/11/2020 Determination of no jurisdiction. Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Leonardus Vanderburg GWIC decision on 29 June 2020 (effective 30 June 2020) to disqualify Mr Leo Vanderburg for 20 months with 12 months suspended (conditionally); for 10 months with 6 months suspended (conditionally); and for 4 years with 3 years suspended (conditionally). 28/10/2020 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit part-refunded. Decision
Trevor Rice GWIC decision on 28 September 2020 to interim suspend Trevor Rice’s registration under Rule 92(5)(c). 27/10/2020 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit forfeited. Decision
Kellie Fogarty GWIC decision on 26 August 2020 to refuse an application under Rule 127(10) and (11) for the greyhound ‘All Quality’ to breed. 01/10/2020 Appeal upheld. Appeal deposit refunded Decision
Leon Cunningham GWIC decision on 23 June 2020 to suspend the registration of Mr Cunningham for 12 weeks for breaching rule 83(2)(a). 28/09/2020 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit forfeited Decision
Brendan Whelan GWIC decision on 13 December 2019 to suspend Mr Whelan's registration for 16 and 20 weeks concurrently for breaching Rule 83(2)(a). 11/08/2020 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit forfeited unless Tribunal orders otherwise. Decision
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