Appeals to Racing Appeals Tribunal / Appeal decisions

Please see below Appeals Decisions that have been made by the Racing Appeals Tribunal (RAT). All decisions made by the RAT are in accordance with the Racing Appeals Tribunal Act 1983 and the Racing Appeals Tribunal Regulation 2015.

For the details of any appeals relating to decisions made by Greyhound Racing NSW  before 1 July 2018 or finalised by Greyhound Racing NSW after 1 July 2018, please visit the following websites:

Name Detail Decision date Outcome Link to decision
Nicolas O’Connell GRNSW decision on 18 October 2017 to refuse to grant him an individual NSW Bookmaker’s licence 26/10/2018 Appeal upheld

Application for Bookmaker’s Licence granted

Appeal deposit decision deferred
Jason Magri GWIC decision of 12 October 2018 to impose a marring breach suspension on the greyhound, Zipping Manuella 19/10/2018 Appeal dismissed

Appeal deposit forfeited
Mark Farrugia
Stephen Farrugia
Donna Farrugia
GRNSW decisions of 23 October 2017 to impose:

- Mark and Stephen Farrugia: Disqualification for 5 years, 2.5 years suspended and fined $22,000

- Donna Farrugia: Disqualification of 2.5 years, 1 year suspended.

Relevant rules: GAR 86(o), 86(q), 117(1), 117(2) and 124
28/09/2018 Severity appeals upheld

Mark and Stephen Farrugia each disqualified for 12 months from 23 October 2017 and each fined $21,300

Donna Farugia disqualified for 6 months from 23 October 2017
01/01/2018 Decision
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