Appeals to Racing Appeals Tribunal / Appeal decisions

Please see below Appeals Decisions that have been made by the Racing Appeals Tribunal (RAT). All decisions made by the RAT are in accordance with the Racing Appeals Tribunal Act 1983 and the Racing Appeals Tribunal Regulation 2015.

For the details of any appeals relating to decisions made by Greyhound Racing NSW  before 1 July 2018 or finalised by Greyhound Racing NSW after 1 July 2018, please visit the following websites:

Name Detail Decision date Outcome Link to decision
Robinson, Troy Improper conduct towards a controlling body representative; provided false or misleading information to a controlling body representative; failed to maintain clean and sanitary kennels; failed to produce written treatment records when requested by an authorised person. 20/11/2023 Appeal Upheld. Penalties varied. Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Bilal, Chloe Application for a stay of GWIC decision on 21 October 2023 to impose a suspension under Rule 141(1)(a). 13/11/2023 Application for Stay Granted. Decision
Lazarus, Nathan Application for a stay of GWIC decision on 10 October 2023 to impose an interim suspension under Rule 169(5)(c). 31/10/2023 Application for Stay Refused. Decision
Johnston, Peter Appeal against GWIC Decision of 1 March 2023 to impose a disqualification of 2 years for four breaches of the Rules. 13/10/2023 Appeal against finding of breach for charges 1 & 2 dismissed. Decision
Ivers, Allan Appeal against GWIC Decision of 1 March 2023 to impose a disqualification of 2 years for four breaches of the Rules. 13/10/2023 Appeal against finding of breach for charges 1 & 2 dismissed. Decision
Garry Coles GWIC decision on 31 July 2023 to suspend Mr Coles for 10 weeks for breach of Rule 141(1)(a). 29/09/2023 Appeal upheld. Penalty varied. Appeal deposit refunded. Decision
Peter Parker GWIC decision on 30 May 2023 to suspend Mr Parker for 3 months for breach of Rule 141(1)(a). 29/09/2023 Appeal dismissed. Appeal deposit forfeited. Decision
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