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Fit and Proper Person Test

Updated 1 October 2024

Section 47(3) of the Greyhound Racing Act 2017 requires the Commission to ensure that any person who is registered as a participant in the greyhound racing industry is a fit and proper person to be registered.

The purpose of this Framework is to provide guidance to applicants regarding the Commission’s application of ‘Fit and Proper’ person test for registration as a greyhound racing industry participant.

The Commission’s application of the ‘Fit and Proper’ person test for registration as a greyhound racing industry participant

Criminal history or background of applicant Commission’s likely position given the history and background of applicant
1. Applicant has convictions for driving offences. Applicant may be asked for more information.  Application is likely to be approved.
2. Applicant has convictions for an offence that occurred within the last 5 years before applying for registration. 

Applicant may be asked for more information.

Application is likely to be approved.

3. Applicant has charges pending for a minor summary offence. Applicant will be asked to attend an interview with Commission and provide character references.
4. Applicant has charges pending for a serious indictable offence. Applicant will be asked for further information.  Application may be refused.
5. Applicant has convictions for repeated criminal offences of any nature. Application is likely to be refused but may be approved if applicant can demonstrate at least 5 years of no offending.
6. Applicant is serving an Intensive Corrections Order. Application will be refused.  Applicant will be advised to make a new application at the expiry of the Intensive Corrections Order.
7. Applicant is on parole. Application will be refused.  Applicant will be advised to make a new application at the expiry of the parole period.
8. Applicant was previously convicted of a serious offence involving violence, dishonesty, drug offences or sexual offences. Applicant may be asked for further information. Application may be refused, but the decision will take into account whether the offences occurred more than 5 years ago, and the penalty that was imposed.
9. Applicant is involved in or associated with a criminal organisation. Application will be refused.
10. Applicant is currently disqualified in another racing industry. Application will be refused.
11. Applicant was a participant in the greyhound racing industry or another racing industry and was previously suspended or disqualified.  Applicant will be asked for further information.  Application may be refused.
12. Applicant was previously convicted of an animal cruelty offence. Application will be refused.
13. Applicant omitted relevant information or provided false or inaccurate information in their application for registration.  Applicant will be asked for further information.  Application may be refused.
14. Applicant has surrendered a greyhound within the previous five years.  Application will be refused.
15. Applicant has previously been convicted of a sexual offence against a child. Application will be refused.
16. Industry Interest Consideration - section 49(3) of Greyhound Racing Act. The Commission may refuse to register a person as a greyhound racing industry participant if it is of the opinion that it would be in the best interests of the greyhound racing industry to do so.

The Commission determines applications for registration on a case by case basis, based on the information available and having regard to all relevant factors. Where an application for registration is approved, the Commission may place conditions on the registration of a participant.