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Race Injury Review Panel Terms of Reference

The Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission (the Commission) has established a Race Injury Review Panel (the Panel) to provide a mechanism for the systematic review of serious and catastrophic injuries to greyhounds racing on NSW tracks. 

The fundamental purpose of the Panel is to better understand the underlying causes of racing injuries and to develop and implement preventative measures that will reduce the rate and severity of injuries to racing greyhounds.

The Panel will conduct a comprehensive case-by-case review of:

  1. All catastrophic injuries leading to greyhound euthanasia on welfare grounds 

  2. Any sudden deaths occurring during race meetings 

  3. A representative sample of all serious injuries 

These cases are classified as Category F, in accordance with the Greyhounds Australasia harmonized injury category system.

Category F (Serious injury) – Includes all Category E incidents as well as those within Category D that are deemed to be of a particular serious nature. The following are included:  

  • death or euthanasia on-track;  

  • any skull or spine fracture or paralysis (partial or complete);  

  • any long bone fracture (i.e. humerus, radius/ulna, femur or tibia);  

  • a hock fracture/dislocation where the stand-down period is 60 or 90 days;  

  • any other fracture where the stand-down period is 60 or 90 days;  

  • any other joint injury where the stand-down period is 60 or 90 days;  

  • a skin injury where the stand-down period is 60 or 90 days;  

  • a soft tissue injury (including muscle injury) where the stand-down period is 90 days.

The Panel will identify and analyse all contributing factors to each case before it. These factors are broadly training-related, race-related, track-related or greyhound-related. Casual factors can include (but are not limited to):

  • Race factors, such as collisions and falls

  • The greyhound’s racing history, including frequency of racing, its prior experience and performance

  • Breeding and genetics

  • Training influences

  • Previous injuries

  • The conditions of the track at the time of the incident

  • Environmental influences

At the conclusion of each review the Panel will develop and release findings as to the likely contributing factors to the injury and identify and make recommendations on prevention strategies or other actions aimed at reducing the occurrence of these injuries. The Panel will also use its collective expertise and any external advice it obtains, to make considered judgements as to the likely causes. Due to the multiple factors that may have contributed to the injuries, the Panel may not, in all cases, be able to form a definitive view as to the likely cause/s.

The findings of each review will be provided to the greyhound’s owner/s and/or trainer, Commission staff, GRNSW, greyhound racing clubs and any other party considered relevant.


The Panel is chaired by the Commission’s Chief Operating Officer and includes:  

  • GWIC Executive Assistant (COO EA)
  • The Commission’s Chief Steward  
  • GWIC Chief Veterinary Officer
  • A member of the Greyhound Industry Animal Welfare Committee and/or other independent expert  
  • Nominated representative/s from GRNSW  
  • Any such expertise as the Chair deems appropriate.


The Panel will also make public each quarter the findings of its deliberations